Fabulous Rose Bouquet with Multi-Color Glitter 6-Stem
The suggested selling price is $30.00 per bouquet.
This "Out Of This World Rose Bouquet will make a statement at your recital. This blue-tinted rose has a multi-colored glitter that sparkles. This bouquet comes pre-arranged with roses, baby's breath, greenery and is individually wrapped.
They may arrive in bud form and may need a few days to open up fully. We recommend that you have your rosebouquets delivered at least 1 - 2 days BEFORE your event or sale date to ensure they are fully open.
Rose Bouquets Must Be Ordered At Least 7 Days Before Your Delivery Date!!As these are farm direct from South America, you must have someone there to sign for your package when it arrives!
Each Boxincludes:
- 6 Long Stem Premium Rose
- Baby's breath
- Stem of Greenery
- Insertedin a Clear Sleeve
Rose Bouquet Cut Flower Care Instructions:
- As soon as you receive your flowers, open their box(es) and cut strapping to remove flowers.
- Cut at least 1/2 - 1 inch off the bottom of the rose stem (preferably at an angle) andimmediately place in prepared water.
- Place flowers in fresh, cool water out of direct sunlight, drafts and extreme heat or cold. Use of Floral food is recommended.Let Roses hydrate for at least 4 hours, 12 or more hours is highly recommended.Ensure roses have plenty of water (check regularly - flowers drink a lot upon arrival) and keep the water clean.